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[Feb 13th]
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[Feb 10th]
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Total Annihilation


Who? What?
02/23/2006 7:59 AM - Wolfy
I have a cold, and I'm very tired. Yet, work on UU continues! Hurray!

Uhm anyways, I've started integrating Unit Review Central reviews into the site. It just ocurred to me that I'll probably end up doing some revision to the system, allowing for user-made reviews. But for the moment, some of the units now have a URC review link near the comments box. There is going to be a reviews listing page so you can easily see all units with reviews later. But again, this is still a work in progress.

Secondly, the other day I added in support for the new skin, Retro. It's based off the UnitUniverse design from 2001. Kinda neat.

I've also added support for remote linked files, this is for mod files. I would expect that it will only be used to link to FileUniverse files. This was a suggestion by Gnome so we don't have large mod files mirrored twice on the server. And, if you have guessed from this paragraph, although probably not, I've also polished up the unit parser. It now works with a bunch more mods (it just needed little tweaks, mod's are tricky things) so I'll be adding them into the database this week. Specifically, Gundam Annihilation, World Domination, and more.

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