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unitpic Protos type4
side: CORE

unitpic Vandal
side: CORE

unitpic Hobo
side: ARM

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unitpic Exterminator
side: CORE
[Feb 13th]
unitpic King Commander
side: ARM
[Feb 10th]
unitpic King Commander
side: ARM
[Feb 9th]
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Total Annihilation


Upload Unitpic
01/17/2006 1:17 AM - Wolfy
Just a small update today. I've added a feature that allows anyone to upload an image for units that are missing buildpics. Typically, this results from misnamed, misplaced or images of the wrong format in the unit file. So a significant number of units missing images actually have them in the ufo but weren't picked up by the parser. The allowed formats are jpg, gif, png and pcx, and the images can be any size, as they will be resized automatically. Non-square images will be cropped. It's quite easy to upload an image, simply go to the page for that unit, click the "no image" image and then choose the unitpic for that unit.

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