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side: ARM

unitpic Bob
side: ARM

unitpic Scorpion
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unitpic Exterminator
side: CORE
[Feb 13th]
unitpic King Commander
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[Feb 10th]
unitpic King Commander
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[Feb 9th]
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Total Annihilation


Add Units
12/14/2005 4:05 AM - Wolfy
Some of whoever reads this may have noticed that there is a new link accross the top of the page, titled add units. You can use this page to upload your own units now!

New uploads will be merged into the existing unit tables along with their weapons and build associations, exactly the same as units already on the site. They will also be available for download as per any other unit.

Thanks to revolutionary php programming by myself, the site uses no external programs other than php and the following php modules: zlib,zip,gd. If anyone is interested in php programs to unpack HAPI archives or convert PCX files into a php gd object, just email me at wolfy@shaw.ca

Site layout and scripts copyright © Wolfy. Site content copyright © 2010 TAUniverse. Some content copyright © 2004-2008 Nexus Entertainment, LLC. All rights reserved.
Display or reproduction from another site via frames, applet, or control, or in any other form or medium without the express written permission
of the owners or administrators of TAUniverse, is strictly prohibited.