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unitpic Anti-gravity hangar
side: ARM

unitpic Fossoyeur
side: CORE

unitpic Warrior
side: ARM

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unitpic Exterminator
side: CORE
[Feb 13th]
unitpic King Commander
side: ARM
[Feb 10th]
unitpic King Commander
side: ARM
[Feb 9th]
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Total Annihilation


Website Problem
09/30/2006 5:27 AM - Wolfy
Uhm so yea, there's a slight issue with the download files at the moment affecting ALL ota units... Trying to work it out with the host at the moment.

That means you can't download units at the moment, you can do everything else still though.

Most of the units have been restored, some of the newer units however are still missing. Hopefully they will be uploaded soon by DannyU.

All hail DannyU! The files are back up and ready for download!

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