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unitpic Dragon's Teeth
side: CORE

unitpic Loggerhead
side: CORE

unitpic Wraith
side: CORE

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unitpic Exterminator
side: CORE
[Feb 13th]
unitpic King Commander
side: ARM
[Feb 10th]
unitpic King Commander
side: ARM
[Feb 9th]
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Total Annihilation


Site Relaunch
08/24/2005 11:05 PM - Wolfy
It took me a while, but I completely re-wrote the entire site. Including the unit parser itself, which now contains more accurate weapon and build associations.

Also included in this new version are unit ratings and unit comments as well as more streamlined (server side) support for mods.

I think that's about it really. Sad that it took so long and is so complex yet can be summed up in so few words. Ah well, 'tis the life of a programmer.

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