Campaign TDF Information

Last updated: 09/15/98 23:53

In Total Annihilation, a campaign is a group of single-player missions that places you and a number of units in a preset scenario with a particular goal. A TDF file in the camps subdirectory describes the missions that are combined to make up the campaign.

The name of the TDF file in this subdirectory is not important, but should help to describe what the scenario is all about. Within the TDF file, the layout is quite simple:


    missionfile=Krogoth Encounter.ota;
    missionname=1: Krogoth Encounter!;
    Germanmissionname=1: Das Krogoth-Projekt!;
    Frenchmissionname=1: L'Arm chez les Krogoth!;
    Italianmissionname=1: Krogoth...;


Within this file, a "Header" section is used to describe to which side this campaign belongs to - ARM or CORE. It is followed by a sequential list of the missions that make up the campaign, along with multi-language descriptions of what each mission's name is.

Variable Description Examples
[HEADER] Used to define the header portion of the campaign TDF File. [HEADER]
campaignside Used to set the side that the user will be when playing these missions - ARM or CORE. campaignside=CORE;
[MISSION<n>] An ennumeration of which mission in the campaign this is, starting with zero. [MISSION0]
Germanmissionname The name of the mission - in German. Germanmissionname=7: Temblor - Erdbeben!;
Frenchmissionname The name of the mission - in French. Frenchmissionname=7: Tremblement de terre sur Temblor!;
Italianmissionname The name of the mission - in Italian (added in TA:CC but not usually specified). 1: Krogoth...
missionfile The name of the OTA file that contains the actual mission information. missionfile=EXP1AC06.ota;
missionname The name of the mission - in English. missionname=7: Temblor - Earthquake! ;